Many seasons past when friends would call, our conversations would start like this: "How are you doing?" And my response would always be: "It is crazy here right now." In hindsight, I responded as though the ongoing chaos was completely out of my control. We all know better.
After the realization that I was responsible for the chaos created, the crazy busy, the question then became whether I actually wanted it or not. Yes, there are times in all of our lives when there is too little time and too much to do, racing from one activity to the next. Some of us enjoy the adrenaline rush on occasion. But quite frankly, who loves this on a sustained basis?
Managing chaos can be mastered with a calendar and a clear conscience. It means prioritizing the events that will be attended and those that will not. It means triaging chores. It means personally ranking what is urgent and what can be placed into procrastination. (We all can use that little treat once in a while.) But it also means creating time for play and for rest. I think many of us forget to schedule this on the calendar. This is especially important for the A types who have schedules filled through 2011 and beyond.
A balanced life may only be as good as the calendar you keep. I found that an active use of Quo Vadis kept me inside the line of sanity. Today, my computer calendar helps me out every day. I love using those color codes too. Syncing up in the morning to my iPhone frees up precious brain space from having to remember times, dates and activities, addresses and frequent flyer numbers. This alone is worth an extra hour!
So make an early new year resolution--communicate with your calendar using ink instead of pencil for personal time. Soon you may have time to take an extra deep breath or extra time for breakfast, even extra time with a loved one...catching up on calendars.
Good advice, as always....:) And this is Jen btw, can't seem to figure out how to post under my own name at the moment!