December 26, 2010

the days after...

topic number sixteen: recipe for recovery

As we all head down the home stretch of this season's holidays, the effects of getting, gifting and gastric gluttony can be a special challenge for many. Just as the master "to do" list was finally sent to bed with milk and cookies, a new re-engineered list develops, a requirement for post holiday responsibilities and new year resolutions.

My daughter has begun her back-to-school mode, ordering next term's class books and preparing suitcases for travel. Just as accountants look to the day after April 15th, my husband is planning his hibernation after Christmas retailing ends. For me, there are and will always be new lists, re-organizing, cleaning and...out with the old (yes, including this blog) and in with the new (whatever that may be).

Curiously, my daughter and I have had recent dialogues about the word entropy, a term often used to interpret the degree of gradual decline, of disorder or randomness in a system, the lack of predictability, degeneration and...chaos. Our online thesaurus uses entropy in a single sentence: Life is a struggle against entropy. Funny, as my absurdities, my habits have always intended to remove the "s" word out of this equation. Thus, my recipe for recovery is to choose adventure over struggle, select creativity over format and embrace the coming year enthusiastically.

Happy new year and best wishes to you all!

December 19, 2010

conquering chaos

topic number fifteen: calendar competency

Many seasons past when friends would call, our conversations would start like this: "How are you doing?" And my response would always be: "It is crazy here right now." In hindsight, I responded as though the ongoing chaos was completely out of my control. We all know better.

After the realization that I was responsible for the chaos created, the crazy busy, the question then became whether I actually wanted it or not. Yes, there are times in all of our lives when there is too little time and too much to do, racing from one activity to the next. Some of us enjoy the adrenaline rush on occasion. But quite frankly, who loves this on a sustained basis?

Managing chaos can be mastered with a calendar and a clear conscience. It means prioritizing the events that will be attended and those that will not. It means triaging chores. It means personally ranking what is urgent and what can be placed into procrastination. (We all can use that little treat once in a while.) But it also means creating time for play and for rest. I think many of us forget to schedule this on the calendar. This is especially important for the A types who have schedules filled through 2011 and beyond.

A balanced life may only be as good as the calendar you keep. I found that an active use of Quo Vadis kept me inside the line of sanity. Today, my computer calendar helps me out every day. I love using those color codes too. Syncing up in the morning to my iPhone frees up precious brain space from having to remember times, dates and activities, addresses and frequent flyer numbers. This alone is worth an extra hour!

So make an early new year resolution--communicate with your calendar using ink instead of pencil for personal time. Soon you may have time to take an extra deep breath or extra time for breakfast, even extra time with a loved one...catching up on calendars.

chaos in calendars

As a good friend tells me, "control is underrated in a world full of chaos." While my mother might ardently disagree, it is my firm belief that life's chaos cannot be controlled. Instead, I seek to understand, respect, and reflect on the chaos surrounding (and often caused by) me.

A remarkable calendar helps. In high school, I was voted "most likely to travel with her planner." While my commitment to my calendar has lessened since high school, my mother's has not. When I use the line "I have to check my calendar," it's never just my calendar but my mother's as well, without which our family would not function.

December 12, 2010

sticky strife

topic number fourteen: disorderly decals

Aesthetic unrest can be a real issue and for me, it is an ongoing battle. This is especially true when it involves home invasion of price tags. Yes, these sticky labels find their way into all our homes-on fruit, on picture frames, books, candles, wine bottles, on just about everything. For most people this is of no consequence. But in our household, bringing home bananas definitely requires extra peeling time!

There is no kitchen comfort until these little sticky eyesores are carefully removed from each and every piece of fruit. There is something just so uncomfortable about those bright orange tabs with code. I think most of us will admit it is much more pleasing to look at a beautiful bowl of fresh fruit without these unappetizing attachments.

Likewise, forget bookshelf harmony until all Barnes & Noble discount patches have been eliminated. I do not understand why these labels are so big, bigger than the book title and author's name combined. Think about it--if one needs a label that big to read, how are they possibly going to read the text inside the book itself?

My desire for sticky tag eradication goes beyond to vendor identification labels found on bath towels and well, actually on all towels. I see little need for those notorious tags once a towel has been purchased for personal use. We all know how they scratch! This is just me, but I don't relax until all towel vendor tags are cropped. Detaching is a careful process. It is very important when trimming off the tag not to compromise the towel's binding.

Tags, labels, decals, sticky or stitched are lurking everywhere. I happen to love the fresh look of a home without. If you do too, please know, tag removal can be habit forming. For your pleasure, this comes without a warning label.

stuck on stickers

While my mother spends her time removing stickers, I used to spend my time collecting them. One afternoon while we were visiting a friend's house, my mother and I discovered their "sticker cabinet." Casual sticker collectors, the family kept each fruit sticker they came across under the kitchen sink on the cabinet door. That's right, they stuck them directly on the wooden surface. It disturbed my mom greatly and she thought it couldn't get much worse . . . until I, entranced, requested to take up the same practice. My poor mother was stuck (like the very stickers she despised) between a rock and a hard place: deny her daughter a simple joy or go against her ideals? Well, my mom, the fine woman that she is, found a wonderful middle ground. I was allowed to keep the stickers, but they had to be placed on a separate piece of cardboard kept behind the cleaning supplies out of view.

December 5, 2010

tips on trips

topic number thirteen: terminal trotting without tumbling

I am always early to the airport. It is my personal tradition, holiday or no holiday. I think it has to do with early childhood memories of mad family dashes to airport gates accompanied by massive stress and controversy over everything from misplaced tickets to seat assignments. During those excursions, travel and relaxation never intermingled. So as I sit at the airport enjoying a few carefree moments writing this blog, I can not help but notice those who are less fortunate. These are the travelers who leave trails of tortured ticket agents and forgotten sunglasses at security checkpoints in their wake.

Today, much has been published about the art of packing and many of us have mastered this successfully. Strategies for ticket purchase and seat selection are also well known. But what is missing from this overall dialogue is about personal commitment to traveltude, yes, aka travel attitude. Traveltude is all about the way one thinks about travel.

My belief is that every trip should be planned with extra time scheduled to allow for traffic delays, gate or terminal changes, an extra restroom stop--anything that might create more than a minor hiccup in reaching a scheduled destination. It takes a balanced bit of foresight and anticipation without at the same time willing on the distressing situation itself. This means scheduling extra time(a true luxury). My secret? Do not tell others your actual flight time. Reveal only the exact time you plan to start your journey whether it be from home or hotel. Otherwise, the following may happen--at least one of your fellow traveling entourage may elect to delay packing or may need to make an additional stop or two on the way to the airport or worse yet, might convince you to leave later. Don't do it! My second secret is to keep a fully charged cellphone with charger on my person at all times. Having telephone access to a ticket agent verses racing with the rest of the flight to the next terminal, to the last gate and to the one-agent ticket counter is a blessing.

Mentally preparing for a trip is equally important. This means slow deep breaths. This means calm. There really should be an airport surcharge for tightly wound passengers, or better yet, their own line through security along with designated seating. They make me so uncomfortable. I feel very privileged when I have the time to stop and thank a deserving flight attendant or help another passenger on or off the plane. I find it pleasurable to smile through each and every security checkpoint transaction. I like having time to count out exact change for purchases rather than quickly pulling for the easy reach twenty dollar bill.

It is truly a satisfying experience to travel without vexation, without racing with rancor. And the more I think traveltude, the more I do.

hanging out . . . at the airport?

My mother is completely correct when it comes to travel preparedness--get to the airport early. However, I must add, from personal experience, don't get there too early. How early is too early? When I was traveling home from college last summer, I wanted to get to the airport early because I had to check two bags and somehow get another three through security. My bus got me to the airport at 10:30 am but my flight did not leave until 4:30 pm. Apparently, on many airlines you cannot check bags sooner than 4 hours before departure. As I had arrived a whopping 6 hours early, I spent a lovely couple hours sitting on top of my 5 bags in the doorway of the airport, brooding quietly while playing solitaire, poised to slide my luggage under the black ropes to the airline check-in the second the clock chimed 12:30 pm. Needless to say, I memorized the airport pubic service announcements . . . in two languages.

November 28, 2010

happy thanksgiving

Perri and Perri's daughter, Lindsay, wish you and your families a very happy Thanksgiving. Perri and Lindsay are taking a short holiday, spending quality time with family and friends. Their next blog will be posted on Sunday, December 5th.

November 21, 2010

in recognition of thanksgiving

topic number twelve: a note of thanks

A simple note of thanks. This can be the best gift, the best reward, the best high and sometimes in today's world, the best surprise. Being me, too often than not, I have worried about whether a gift sent was ever received or if a dinner or deed even appreciated. No thank you note, no telephone call, no email, no text can also send a message! Thus, a handwritten note of thanks is more than just an acknowledgment. I can not think of anything so simple, so timeless, that uniquely contributes to humanity the way a thank you card does. Need I say more? AH...but I do.

All that is needed--a clean piece of paper with envelope and stamp, a pen and 10 minutes of focused thought, right? So why is it so difficult for some of us to do? Putting aside any clear physical or psychological ills, I suspect that it has to do with the experience of writing itself. As children, the writing process was sometimes linked to time-sensitive school assignments often equating pressure not pleasure. This is most regrettable. As adults, I think it is actually related to the products themselves. Do your note cards and pen call to you like your computer and keyboard? Most likely not. For some, the thought of sitting down to write a short note causes a certain amount of anxiety. Also, most regrettable. With these reasons in mind, here are a few tips for making note writing a preferential choice above a chore-

a. Buy better papers, creative cards and/or stationery-styles you yourself would like to receive. Purchase not one, but several favorites to have on hand at all times.

b. Find "the" pen to write with. This does not mean making do with what is sitting at your desk and mostly out of ink. An excursion to a stationery supply store is warranted here. Personally, I like using Pilot's Razor Point Gel Ink Pen with an extra fine tip.(black ink only)

c. Make sure that you have both a dictionary and thesaurus at arm's reach.( and are also great resources.)

d. Use scratch paper or your computer word program to compose your note before it is placed in pen.

e. Think of your stationery and your pen as jewelry. Cherish it. Keep it in a clean, special place of honor.

f. Be intrepid! Write from the heart, write from the moment.

For me, the Thanksgiving holiday is about saying thank you, not turkey. So please know that I very much appreciate my blog readers-family, friends,acquaintances, strangers alike; whether you read and laugh or read and swear, thank you all!


Memories of the holidays and birthdays would not be a complete vision without the comings and goings on the "days after." Thanksgiving begets turkey sandwiches on small dinner rolls for days. Christmas includes the yearly untangling of the tree and removal of tasteful, well-placed decorations. New Year's Celebration is followed by resolutions. Gift-giving/receiving events are followed by thank you notes.

I never really objected to writing thank you notes. They are especially important in recognition for gifts that arrived from out of state--at least let the sender know you got it. My main problem as a young person was knowing what to say. It's not that I was not grateful. I just didn't know how to articulate this in written form. It seemed so formal and impersonal. But as I got older, I realized that thank you notes (and letters) are like an extended conversation. Yes, they are one sided, but they just take a bit of imagination.

I was never very good at spelling, so my mother made me memorize some standard words so I wouldn't burn through her nice, often expensive stationery. To this day, I still say each letter in "appreciate" when I write it like you do when you learn to spell "Mississippi." While this spelling problem was cleared up when I was little, sadly it wasn't until recently that I realized there is a difference between "Have a happy New Year's" and "Have a happy New Year." Oops.

Now, as a mail-deficient college student, getting a thank you note in my mailbox for a party invitation or unexpected help really brightens my day. I keep a box of stationery under my bed in order to pass on that sunshine right on down the line.

November 14, 2010

tables that top

topic number eleven: table mojo

My husband and I recently attended a local benefit where guests were seated as one might expect at a multitude of round tables set for the evening's dinner to follow. Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to pay attention, repetitive ceremonial speeches were about to surrender me into unconsciousness. My mind began to wander, so I decided to put the time to better use--to observe each and every seated guest. Were they having a good time? Were they bored or distracted? Was there a disparity in the level of contentment between tables? I couldn't help but reflect on truly memorable parties and events my husband and I have been guests at over the years. Clearly this night was not one of them. But why?

There were numerous reasons, some more complex and others less so, and a few which were clearly preventable. We all know (or should know) that entertaining involves great libations and delicious food. More importantly it requires the due diligence and full presence of happy, engaged hosts and/or entertainers. This is a given in my book...however, I would like to take this a bit further.

Think about it--one half to two-thirds of an evening affair can be spent at a table. For those of you that can actually sit that long, "the" table, the one that is always eyed with longing is the one where guests are smiling, talking and laughing. It is the one where guests' backs are turned outward in a relaxed, "dare not unseat me" way. It is the table with guests who are usually the first on the dance floor, the first to raise bidding paddles, the first to sing and the last to leave. Having had the pleasure of sitting at some of those tables helps one understand another aspect of a life worthwhile.

Two carefully thought out items on one's entertainment checklist can make table guests feel that indeed they have the privilege of a seat at "the" table whether it be table number one or table number forty-four.

Take a very close look at table types first. Square tables, oval tables and unevenly extended tables can be quite distracting in and of themselves alone. Round tables make for easy conversation as long as they are not too small where one is elbow to elbow, wrist to wrist, literally locking knives. Nor should rounds be so large that megaphones are a required party favor.

I fondly remember one summer evening at the terrific home of friends, John and Efren. Smart guys as they are, they created a single very long table instead of the predictable floating of three or four 60 inch table rounds. It is this style of table configuration which can often be found for daily feasting festivities in Italy or Spain. When the party environment is appropriate, sitting at this type of table can be a wonderfully warm and welcoming dining experience. The table staged and set by John and Efren was just that and more. It was marvelous!

At seated dinner parties, people placement is a serious matter. This aspect of party planning can be particularly challenging. I suspect that more than some have a cousin "Stu" or a "Mr. Grump" who requires seating finesse. Trust me, people placement can make or break an evening filled with great food, drink and even the right table style. Table seat assignments can at times be a bit too formal, but there are ways to lighten the experience with clever cards and accouterments. I favor assignments for parties over six guests more often than not. Some may disagree, but I have found that in most instances "boy, girl, boy" tables are wearisome. We are not paper dolls people!

One of the most amazing seated dinner experiences was one that caught all attendees completely off guard--including myself. My husband, a business associate and I recently attended a dinner where we were each placed at a different table. Yes, the thought did occur to me to switch place cards, but at that point this thought was on everyone else's mind too! Young, old, coupled, partnered or not, we were all facing the same dilemma. With many out of their comfort zones, needless to say the first topic of table conversation was discussing this interesting people placement decision. And within a very short period of time-smiling, talking and laughing was in full force at each and every table. Why? Because our hosts, contrary to every one's initial concern, had indeed been quite thoughtful.

So, my point? For table carousers over killjoys--contemplate, then celebrate!

high school lunch on the table

While my mother has an extraordinary skill for articulating all-about-tables for dinner parties, navigation of lunch tables is my particular ability . . . and my anxiety too.

My high school lunch experience was acutely atypical. To start, we called it "The Dining Room" not the cafeteria. For the three and a half years that I attended my institution of secondary education, I had assigned seating every day. We were arranged around round tables set with real plates, cups, and silverware (well, the fork at least), and a white linen tablecloth. One member of the table was the assigned "server" who had to go get a tray of food from the kitchen to be consumed family style. I, of course, was practically always server, a sick joke by my Dean of Students who knew I was characteristically clumsy.

As much as being assigned a seat in high school was a pain (I thought I was done with that nonsense after the 6th grade), it really did prepare me for life in a lot of ways. The administration put a lot of thought into it. Mixing up class years, every table had either a senior or a teacher to get inter-generational dialogues going. My favorite assignment rotation was when the tables were broken up based on first name. At my table there were 4 Lindsays, 1 Leslie, 1 Lisa, and a Louise. While interactions could often be confusing ("Lindsay! No, the other Lindsay . . . No, the other Lindsay . . ."), it was a remarkable ice breaker.

At lunch time, no homework was allowed and social interaction was required. Skipping was a punishable offense. Even though at times I really needed to study (or sleep), in hindsight, it was a nice break from the "daily grind." (On this point my father would disagree--He called my school "The Country Club.") Even if you didn't feel like talking, which would have been awkward, students were forced to engage with their peers. Specifically, one had to participate in the debate over "nose goes" or "you kill it, you fill it," a ritual in which you decide who is responsible for refilling the food. At the end of the meal, you had to work collectively to clear everything and reset the table, cloth and all. It was often a misguided race. Try that at your next dinner party!

Where does the anxiety part come in? Well, the day of assignment rotation, we always held our breaths to make sure "that weird kid" or "that mean teacher" were not at our table (place-card switching doesn't work in this case, mother). But in the end, no matter who I ended up eating with, I always learned something new about someone new, finding common ground on a surprising number of subjects and issues. So embrace the unknown. It might taste good.

November 7, 2010

pantries past and present

topic number ten: bag the bags

Few know that it was my ongoing battle with the use of plastic bags or as some say, baggies, that inspired the organization of my kitchen pantry. Certainly everyone has an item (or two) which constantly proves annoying. But I must say, the dislike and hostility I feel for these little plastic pouches started long before "green" groups campaigned for recycling, long before the reusable grocery sack and long before some of you were on two feet. I have to ask myself where did this severe reaction to zip-lock come from? Perhaps, it was because I could never find a way to bring the bag's lack of aesthetics into my realm of every day living. Have you ever tried to keep plastic bags filled with cookies, croutons and mixed nuts neatly aligned on one shelf?

Do understand that I begrudgingly use plastic bags on occasion, but I draw the line with plastic flowers and decorative plastic fruit. Without going too far out on a tangent, these two particularly bizarre creations quickly catapult me over the edge. I put them on the "not nor ever missed" list next to mosquitoes. With this said, there are many life altering plastic inventions worthy of every one's support, i.e. heart valves. So, I do not hold plastic itself in contempt.

I do know that my aversion to the plastic bag was accelerated by the fact that no one I know, at least in my household, ever seals the bag completely. Thus, after several bouts with ants and other even less desirable insects coupled by reaching for a bag of newly opened chips gone stale, I knew something had to be done. This truly was a pivotal moment, both aesthetic form and function were at stake!

My kitchen pantry is now filled with glass containers for all that must be contained. There are no longer opened cereal boxes waiting for weevils, no longer assorted cracked crackers in baggies, and no more paper sacks of flour powdering the shelf. I purchased various sizes of canning jars equipped with great sealing abilities. Large jars can be used for cereal and quantities of chips. Medium sized jars are good for snacks of all sorts. And small jars are great for anything from packages of substitute sugars to wasabi peas. Please know that these jars are not only easy to use, but the experience of this organization will bring delight each and every time you open your kitchen pantry door. Shelves stay clean, with the contents of each jar remaining fresh and the overall quality of your kitchen experience enhanced.

I applaud my cousin Steve who took pantry organization one step further. He created a great template for the top of each pantry jar to identify its contents. Do not underestimate the importance of this deed--especially as in Steve's case, with confectioners' sugar, granulated sugar, vanilla sugar, cake flour and pastry flour all shelved side by side. This was an intervention.

Here are a couple of additional notes-for pantry ingredients which may require special preparation instructions, attach the information on the underside of the container lid. Also, my assortment of canning jars from the Container Store were originally purchased with orange rubber seals. But if you look further, you will find that the store carries packages of white replacement seals. This, of course, made my day! And I hope that these tips might make yours too.

p.s.-daughter Lindsay is away at an intercollegiate horse show, but will be back again posting shortly.

October 31, 2010

happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, all! My mom is taking this week off, so I am filling in for her. In honor of the holiday, I will be relating a Halloween story.

In the seventh grade, my mother helped throw a murder mystery sleepover for Halloween. In true Perri form, the evening was authentic down to the minutest detail. We sent out invitations to each of my friends, planned out a sensational menu, and assembled an excellent supply of spooky decor (but not too scary, of course). My mother has several great Halloween party tricks (and treats of course!) that we utilized for this particular occasion. As we were a rambunctious group, we prepared accordingly by covering the light suede couches with white sheets. It was thematic, but also perfectly practical.

Another classic Halloween trick involves the senses: blindfold your friend and stick their hands in "brains" and "eyes," better known as cold spaghetti and grapes. My mother took it a step further by involving sight. Placing olives in hollowed out martini onions, my mother creates ghoulish "eyes" you could also eat.

While the above are functional and funny suggestions, some tips are purely aesthetic, but also essential. With the purchase of a fog machine and cobwebs, our entry was transformed into a creepy portal into All Hallow's Eve. The table was covered with a Halloween table cloth and adorned with food and festive pumpkins. While large pumpkins have novelty value, small pumpkins, the size of your palm, can be surprising and heartwarming touches of the holiday when set in unexpected places.

Now all of these details may leave you wanting more. Isn't Halloween about being scared out of your mind and passing out after eating too much candy? Well, I will have you know we were picking candy out of the carpet for days. And when it came to being ridiculously scared (and scarred), that is where my father came in. As we slumbered, my father drove an electric toy rat into our bedroom. They could hear the screaming down the street.

October 24, 2010

eve of all saints, sweetened

topic number nine: pre-Halloween tricks for treats

Halloween, the eve of all saints day, is a holiday celebrated by many. The evening is often measured by festive parties, door-to-door trick or treating, costumes and home decorations which have endured and evolved through years of October 31sts. Many of us often share memories of a special costume worn, a savory candy treat or a great evening party or two. I can still envision and feel the excitement of the night, the crisp smell of the fall air, the sounds from a neighbor's haunted house, candlelit porches and the taste of pumpkin pie.

And then remember...the candy inspection.

Yes, a more recent, seldom publicized Halloween tradition of sorting out the good from the bad. It used to be disguised as trading treasures with parents upon returning home from the night's adventure with a stockpile of sweets. As kids, many of us thought our parents just liked unwrapped candy or candy with an easy open twist wrap. Little did we know that there were some "bad" treat givers out there. Those tricksters! And some of us actually believed our parents when they requested a few of our premium candy captures like Reese's peanut butter cups or Abba Zabba bars to save for "later". Where do you think they went? Regardless, there was definitely enough candy aka sugar for everyone on the inspection team and more.

Then much later in life, with a trick or treating daughter of my own, I began thinking about the excess of premium candy bars and about the ton of traditional candies immediately disposed of due to indiscriminate wrappers. I also could not stop thinking about the one treat I received as a kid that will be forever remembered. It was a single warm donut. No wrapper, no cover and we were allowed to eat it! It came from our neighbor down the street who owned a bakery. I guess this particular item stands out not only because of its extraordinary confectionery appeal, but because it was different. And I like different.

Thus comes my own custom assortment of Halloween treats with the thought of quality over quantity:

Boxes of Cracker Jacks

Individual portion packages of Pepperidge Farm Milano or Nabisco Oreo creme filled cookies

Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats

Violet Crumble bars

Boxes of Red Vine licorice

and of course,

Reese's peanut butter cups

I hope this will inspire you this coming week to think out of the box, or jack-o-lantern so to speak!

glow sticks

I think it is funny that my mother speaks of this "candy inspection." Most of MY Halloween candy ended up being eaten by my mother, my father, and occasionally our dog, (2 GIANT chocolate bars and she survived). In their defense, I don't really like candy so most of the transfer was voluntary (not for the dog).

Here is my take on my mom's Halloween treats: genius. I've never had the privilege of receiving something as excellent as a donut while trick-or-treating due to certain "poison hazards," but Cracker Jacks are a wonderful alternative. There is a certain moment in the post-October candy coma where such snacks are not only welcomed but actually needed to balance out the sticky, highly concentrated sugar of Bottle Caps and Hershey's and Snickers. Not to say that these products are any less bad for you--but they last a bit longer. In addition, something as voluminous as a six-pack of Oreo's has a lot of pull once the candy trading festivities begin.

There is the argument that the treats are all bad, especially with epidemics of diet-related diseases among the youth these days. Even though I have my weaknesses, in a perfect world, I wouldn't eat anything packaged, processed, or pre-cooked ("fake food"). For those of you who feel similarly, consider this: glow sticks. when you are an 8-year old ghost/doctor/monster/Harry Potter, the only thing better than candy is a magical stick or bracelet to light your way and enhance your dress(this also applies to 19-year-old college students). Glow sticks also make the little ones more visible to the grown ups (and the college friends who "wander" more visible to their "mothers").

October 17, 2010

oh happy day!

topic number eight: solution resolution

It started with a peaceful afternoon on our backyard deck. As my husband, cousin and I shared a bottle of wine underneath a canopy of oak trees, we were wickedly raided by yellow jackets. Fortunately, at my cousin's suggestion, Bounce came to the rescue! I was not only thrilled, but astonished by the immediate results--by just placing several sheets of this laundry cloth on our table, the yellow jackets removed themselves from the party posthaste. And happily, we were able to finish enjoying our bottle of Woodside Pinot Noir.

The next morning Bounce became the newest fixture on my outdoor entertaining checklist...and yes, I was also consumed with thoughts on the best way for outdoor Bounce presentation. But regardless, I have to say how simple the Bounce solution was--no bait traps, no sprays and all that goes with that. It made me think about other household items that we use for purposes other than how they are intended. So I hope that after sharing a few with you, you will share even more with me. But no "wives tales" please. Results matter!

Here are a few of my favorites:

When out of Restoration Hardware "vacuum bbs", laundry dryer cloths can be placed inside the vacuum bag. This is a great way to keep carpets and rugs smelling fresh.

In a pinch, when diffusers, candles or bathroom sprays are unavailable, a bar of fragrant soap will do. Put the soap in a small jar and place it behind the commode. It is a quick, temporary and inexpensive fix for unexpected situations.

When wooden furniture is scratched or chipped and there is no time to purchase furniture repair markers at the hardware store, use Sharpie markers instead. I prefer the fine point tip over the thick. Caution though-use sparingly by layering small amounts of ink at a time, Sharpies are permanent.

Toothpaste works well on water marked wood furniture. Take a small amount of toothpaste on a damp cotton cloth and buff the area in question. Then remove the excess paste, clean and re-oil or wax. Point of reference: Arm & Hammer Dental Care, Tom's of Maine Sensitive or Colgate Regular are less abrasive than most other brands.

No spackle left? For a quick wall nail hole repair-use tissue and toothpaste. Mix a very small amount of the two, fill the hole and paint.

After rotating an opened box of baking soda out of the refrigerator (I use baking soda in the freezer too-great for removing odors), empty its contents into the sink. Every little bit helps. Also, a small amount of Seventh Generation non-chlorine bleach for clothes can be used to freshen your kitchen and bathroom drains.

Now, if there was only an easy remedy for my affliction...on second thought, never mind...duct tape will need topic time of its own!

quick fixes

I love my mom's quick fixes. I wish she could fix the fact that I'm in the middle of exams. On that note, talk to you all next week!

October 10, 2010

towel off!

topic number seven: towels for the taking

I have always wondered exactly who decided on the size of bathroom towels. From guest towels and hand towels to bath towels and bath sheets, these categories seem pretty self explanatory. However, for me, they are a bit misconceived.

I don't know about you, but why buy bath towels for your body when they are only big enough to wrap around your head? Let's call bath towels what they really are! Thus, I have stopped stocking up on head towels and have bought big beautiful bath sheets instead.

Several years ago, cousin Joey introduced me to Williams-Sonoma Home's bath sheets-800 gram/100% Turkish cotton towels. These large towels are thick, highly absorbent and are very durable. I then discovered Waterworks' bath sheets during my stay with cousins Don and Steve. These towels are wonderful too, known for their excellence and luxurious feel.
Whether Turkish or Egyptian cotton, it is the percentage of content as well as the length of the cotton staple (fiber) that factor into a towel's quality. It is well worth the investment- both in time and money to find the ideal bath mate.

I also find that hand towels are too big for hands and too little for hair. So I think they should be renamed facial towels instead. And as for traditional guest towels...don't you think there is a disconnect drying one's hands on decorative embossing and fringe?

Here is a riddle: there are two guest towels in the powder room and you are 1 of 12 guests which will need to use them. Which part of which towel is yours to use? And how many different types of germs can be spread from guest 1 to guest 12? I hate riddles as I could never figure them out. Instead, I prefer washcloths or cloth-like paper towels, stocking the powder room with one to two dozen cloths at a time.

So before bringing home yet another towel "set" (aka washcloth, facial and head towel), you may want to re-examine your towel needs both in quality and size, tissue to toga.

cozy towels

In the discussion about towels, it really is a towel off between my mother and me. I don't like bath sheets. I just don't. I prefer smaller, more absorbent towels that fit just right . . . and can also be used for your hair.

I have had some towel horror stories in my day. I don't even know if I should bring up the Nail Polish Fiasco of '99. After spilling the ruby red nail polish all over the white bathroom tile, I proceed to clean up the pools of liquid with the freshly folded white hand towels on the counter. I don't know how my mom got through that one . . . or the red out of the grout.

The most recent towel disaster was last year when I ordered linens from school. Using a company that shall remain nameless, my mother and I selected some blue sheets, a blue comforter, and various sizes of blue towels. Apart from being very, very blue (see "invasion of the throw pillows, September), the towels did not absorb a drop. Not one. They just pushed the water all around.

Maybe I just don't like towels. Or maybe it's that I don't really like using towels. I may be a Pisces, but I am not at home in the water and I really dislike that in between place--not quite wet, not quite dry. Unpleasant.

Fortunately, my mother has a solution to fix all ills, especially for persuading small children (and 15 year olds) to take a bath. Put the towel in the drier for a few minutes before you get out. Nothing better than a cozy embrace from a pleasantly warm towel.

October 3, 2010

the case of the bookcase

topic number six: bookcases, in the eye of the beholder

With each move our family has made over the years, there comes a moment in time when our bookcase is ready to be set up. This is the time when my husband heads off to the office immediately and my daughter takes a trip...abroad. No, not because they do not want to help. It is because they know better. Bookcase organization in our house is a very critical period of time. My approach to this project is similar to that of an artist with a large blank canvas: passion, vision and a plan. Some artists require silence and space to work...can you guess who?

Over the years, studying and working with cases, I find that bookcase balance (aka composition) is always at issue. Larger books should be positioned on the lower shelves, smaller books above just as a landscape artist would paint wooded hillsides below blue skies, not above. If this concept makes no sense to you, honey, you may want to sit this one out.

I usually separate books by size first and then group them by theme. You will drive yourself crazy trying to alphabetize everything perfectly first. Trust me. Start with themes--gardening, travel, fiction, non-fiction, kite-flying, etc. Once you have themes grouped, you may then lightly organize alphabetically.

After groups of books are allotted to the various shelves, work one shelf at a time. A painting within a painting if you will. With each predetermined group, balance the shelf according to size and color. Here one must think out of the box and be willing to sacrifice a bright orange dust jacket or two for the overall good. But then again, that Matisse red jacket may be the needed missing link!

Restoration Hardware catalogues depicting case books covered with identical antique white jackets are so appealing. And, although many think I have a form over function kind of spirit, I too, have my limits. Especially, when it comes to my collection of art books. I like to see them and know exactly where they are.

Anyway, once each shelf is completed, step back and make a few adjustments where needed. I suggest "tweaking" a few shelves with the addition of a small group of thoughtfully selected objects. By checking visual balance from top to bottom and side to side, finding rhythms or sequences in book colors and/or top lines, placement becomes easier to determine. Think of the objects as accents, adding not distracting from what you have already created.

So, is your bookcase a bit off or uncomfortable to look at? Just let the artist within you reach out with books as palette paint and the case as canvas!

"mad props"

My mother's bookshelves are truly a work of art--museum worthy--so much so that I often feel bad amending them. Every time I get a new book, I kind of dread finding it a place on the shelf because it would be changing a Perri Original. Subsequently, books end up collecting on my bedside table along with a growing fear of what to do once the stack gets too high (three ends up being the limit at which my mother asks me to clean my room).

Currently, I am struggling to order my bookshelves at college. This year, I have copious shelving space which is unusual for a lowly sophomore. My bookshelves are vibrant and colorful, maybe a little too visually stimulating, but in my defense I have more to deal with than books. Some items include a stereo, oddly sized dishes, Oreos, an egg timer, three Frisbees, a stapler, and other various school supplies. This is a functional bookshelf, with granola bars in an arm's reach while the dictionary hangs out quietly on the top shelf.

I love it when my mother organizes my bookshelves, or anything really. I do admit sometimes we clash over functionality vs. aesthetic value. After a few days or so my tidiness tends to wane; hence, practicality is a priority when it comes to long term organization. As silly as it sounds, as I get older, I am awed by my growing appreciation for lack of clutter which once was a comfort (I kept EVERYTHING). Because of this character trait, I give my mom "Mad Props," as my generation would say, in that she always makes sense out of the messes I make.