September 26, 2010

feng shoes

My mother is an authority on many things, but you should really listen to her when it comes to shoes. Why? Experience by pure volume. There was once a time when my mother had over one hundred pairs of shoes. She's not a compulsive shoe buyer; she's a size five. So when the woman comes across a decent pair that actually fits, she buys them and keeps them forever. I don't blame her.

It is kind of shocking that I'm not crazy about shoes. I'm the progeny of not one, but two people who have interesting shoe backgrounds. Way before my time, my father sold shoes and was pretty great at it. I go to him just as much as my mother with some of my shoes needs, though his are more along the lines of "Krazy glue? The heel is falling off," or "Help! These boots are stuck!" (They were so tight, we nearly had to cut them off.) Now that I'm not growing so much any more, shoes have become more appealing, but clumsy as I am, I don't know how comfortable I am scuffing up anything over fifty dollars.

When it comes to organization of shoes, I always yield to my mother. Again, clumsy as I am, the last thing I need is to be tripping over the articles supposed to be keeping my feet safe. This being said, I am superstitious to a fault, and there is one shoe storage rule I follow unfailingly: your shoes should be pointing out, towards the closet door or out of the room. That way you are always poised to be going places.

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